
The Presbyterian Research Centre was formed in January 2013 following the amalgamation of the Hewitson Library and the Presbyterian Archive. It is located on the Knox College site, Opoho, Dunedin, New Zealand.

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The collections of the Archives  document the life and work of the Presbyterian Church in Aotearoa New Zealand including the General Assembly & General Assembly committees; parishes and presbyteries from around New Zealand; foreign, home & Maori missions; local and national Presbyterian women’s and youth organizations; Knox Theological Hall and School of Ministry; the Presbyterian Synod of Otago and Southland and the Otago Foundation Trust Board; Knox College; the personal papers of Ministers and prominent Presbyterian Laymen and Women from throughout New Zealand. You can read some of our stories in our online magazine, Treasures of the Presbyterian Research Centre.

(Please note that we have a new Archives website – the old site is still active if you need to look at something there).

The Hewitson Library provides library and information services to members of the Presbyterian Church. It supports the teaching programmes of the Knox Centre for Ministry & Leadership and the Otago University’s Department of Theology & Religion, as well as members of Knox College, ministers, laity, members of the wider Church, and members of the public with an interest in theology.

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